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System Messages

System messages are away for you to quickly communicate important messages to your clients and are visible in the Client portal. You can use this to inform clients of specific carrier delays, adverse weather conditions or any event that may affect typical parcel delivery timeframes.

System messages

Create a new system message

  1. Navigate to the System messages setting in and click on the “New system message” button towards the top right.

Screenshot from 2024-03-28 20-00-57.png
  1. Add the text content for your message banner, select the colour coded level of importance and click “Save.”

You can also add an external website link into a message banner

Screenshot from 2024-03-28 20-01-27.png

The banner will now appear on every account

A user can click the “x” towards the right of the banner to remove it. Banners will remain visible until deleted.

Screenshot from 2024-03-28 20-01-51.png

Edit or delete a system message

  1. Select the message and click either “Edit system message” or “Delete system message.”

Screenshot from 2024-03-28 20-02-04.png

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